Monday, November 21, 2011


This year for both Social Studies and Science, one of our goals is to teach students about the various landforms. These pictures along with descriptions of each type will be included for each student. Students will learn the characteristics of each. Students will click on the following


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

slide show

Technology Lesson Plan

Subject: English Language Arts Grade Level: 3rd Lesson Topic: Sequence in Fiction stories, using plot elements TEKS: 3.(8) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: (A) sequence and summarize the plot's main events and explain their influence on future events; Learning Goals: 1. Students will understand that sequence is the ability to put a story in the order in which the events unfold in a story. 2. Students will be able to identify signal/transition words that are associated with sequence. Transition words that will be introduced are: First, then, next, last, beginning, middle, end, initially, finally. 3. Students will be able to sequentially order a story based on pictures by using their prior knowledge and looking at the details in the pictures.’ 4. Students will create a story presentation, in which they put a story with picture and words in order. They will then make this presentation into an actual mini book. 5. Students will justify why they put the story in a particular order. They will have to have reasoning for why the story makes sense logically with that order. 6. Students will become familiar with the basic features of Power Point. They will learn the tools needed to create a presentation. 7. Students will establish guidelines when blogging, doing assignments, and quizzes on Edmodo (social network for classes). Student Interest: -Students really do like when they are able to connect drawing, writing, and reading together and this lesson incorporates the three. -Students will also be excited to visit the computer lab when we go as a class to learn about PowerPoint. I will also have the CT project my main screen on the big screen in the class so that I can walk students along the lesson. This helps when I’m working with a large group and when they are have questions I can clear things up. Prior Knowledge: -Student have already learned that fictional stories contain elements of plot and contain character, setting, problem, and solution (CSPS) so they will be able to connect to that. -Students also know that we tell a story in order. -Students are also very familiar with using Edmodo since we use it at least twice a week for blogging or other assignments. Activating prior knowledge: -Teacher will have engaging activities, pre-assessments, and open-ended questions to see what students already know. This can also be used to show the teacher any misconceptions on misunderstandings the students have. -Teacher will also do several guided lessons and interventions throughout the entire lesson. Misconceptions: -Students tend to think that when you tell a story in order that you have to write every single detail from the story. They add extra information. -Sometimes students tell the story out of order by adding information they forgot to say all at the end. -Students also tend to leave off transition words. Technology that will be used: -Smart Board -Class set of IPod Touch -ELMO and projector -Edmodo app -Power Point -Laptop -USB stick -BrainPop Jr. website Lesson Duration: estimated at 6 days Monday: Engager: Prior to lesson, teacher will create a Power Point Presentation (which can be manipulated on the Smart Board) of a story that has already been read to the class and have the pictures out of order. Teacher will retell the story out of order while projecting the pictures on the Smart Board. Teacher will ask students if they know what was wrong with the story. -Students should say that the story was told out of order. Teacher will then ask students what that is called. Most students will say in order. Teacher will introduce the correct term as story sequence. -Teacher will then create a class chart with the following: Sequence Story sequence: retelling a story in order based on what happened in the beginning, middle, and end. Should include plot elements and CSPS. Only the important events should be told. -Teacher will then use Popsicle sticks to have the students go up to the Smart Board to the presentation and have the students arrange the pictures in order of what happened from beginning, middle, and end. Tuesday: -Teacher will begin lesson by reviewing the Sequence chart from yesterday. -Teacher will ask students, what else in their lives has to go in sequence. -Teacher will then use ELMO and log on to BrainPop Jr. and class will watch the video on sequencing. This video restates what sequence is, why it is important, and introduces signal words. -Following the video, the class will do the online quiz whole group. They will then go over the word wall on the activity on the Brain Pop Jr. website. -Teacher will then add the signal words mentioned in the video and then ask students if they have other examples to add. Teacher will then add to chart. Assessing Student Learning: Teacher will use the above activities to see how students are doing with their understandings of the lessons. Wednesday: -Teacher will hand out class set of IPod Touch to the class. They will logon to their Edmodo account. Teacher will have students post on the following blog: What is sequence? Why is sequence important in stories? -Teacher will then project a comic on the ELMO where the pictures are out of order. (Teacher will have had this premade and should be a comic where the pictures can give the clues of the story order. -Teacher and class will work as a whole group to put the comic in the correct order based on the pictures. During this time, teacher will constantly be asking students to explain why they are putting the story in this order. What clues in the picture are telling them that this is the correct order. -Teacher will add text to the bottom and have students retell the comic using some of the signal words they have learned. -They will then go back and add dialogue into the speech bubbles. -Students will be given a comic out of order and they will work with a buddy to put the comic in order. They will do the same exact thing we did as a class but with a different comic and with a different storyline. Teacher will make sure to tell class to: -Order pictures -Retell story and use signal words for each picture. -Add dialogue to speech bubbles. Assessing Student Learning: Teacher will be doing an informal assessment by observing how students are doing on the comic. Teacher will make sure that the all the center elements are included and check to see that students do have the comic in order and used the signal words correctly. Teacher will then collect comics and see how students did. Thursday: -Teacher will review sequence and signal words -Teacher will read the story Late for School by Steve Martin to the class. Talk whole group about the order of the book so far. Keep reinforcing CSPS and BME and what details we wouldn’t add. -Teacher will then take class to the computer lab. (Before hand teacher will need to scan the pictures from the book and save them to USB. Add all pictures so that students will have to decide which ones are the most important to the story. Then have CT teacher add the pictures to the computers. -Teacher will review the steps to open and create a Power Point Presentation. -They will practice inserting a slide, adding text, and then incorporating or adding pictures from the desktop or (school friendly site) -Students will practice adding slides, texts, and pictures. -Teacher will then hand out the directions to the assignment. Students will: 1. Retell the story Late for School in sequence using only 6 pictures from the ones on the desktop. 2. Each picture will go on one slide. Students will retell what has happened in the story based on CSPS, climax, and BME by adding a text box to the bottom of the picture. 3. Student will save work on USB stick. Then will print teacher a copy where it shows each slide. -Students will have 2 days to complete starting with Thursday and then onto Friday. Friday -Continue to work on presentation Assessing Student Learning: Teacher will collect student printouts. As an added bonus, students can share their presentations with the class.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Using Podcasts in the classroom

I was truly impressed with all that I have seen with Podcasts. I have really been thinking that this would be a great tool to introduce to the students and see where they can go with it. I think I would like to do a video and audio podcast. I would like it to be like a mini news team or something like that. The grade that I am interesting in doing this would be my current teaching grade, which is 3rd. I have taught this grade for 5 years and feel very comfortable with it. Also, this has been the first year that I have really integrated more technology into the classroom. Right now I have my students logging onto an educational social network and we do various discussions, quizzes, and assignments. So I think podcasting can be my next endeavor. I think that I would tailor this more as a student-centered podcast. I would like to use this during my reading block. I would have students making their own mini lessons over the topic that was taught. I think it would be great for them to do the recap of the lesson and even incorporate the centers and posters we did. In addition, I would like them to interview other students to see what they got from the whole lesson. Next, I would have them check in at the various Reader’s Workshop stations and have each group do a Podcast of what they are working on for that week’s workshop center. Of course, we would do several guided podcasts together until they got the hang of it. Then, we would begin to upload them on our class webpage. Plus, this would give any child, who is absent, a chance to see what they missed without missing out on all the activities.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hew's article on Podcasts

After reading Hew’s article on the Use of Audio Podcast in K-12 and Higher Education, I learned so much more about Podcasts. To be honest, the only thing that I knew about Podcast was that it was an audio track. However, know I know that it can include video, pictures, etc. and that there are many benefits to them. One of the main benefits that Hew discusses in his article is how listening can actually improve understanding. I learned that students can learn quite a bit just by listening. Plus, the child or student is able to listen to the Podcast at their own pace. Podcasts allows students to stop and replay something that they have missed. Another aspect that I found interesting was that the use of Podcasts in ELL classrooms was not used often. This was surprising because I think that there are so many Podcasts that teach English that can come in handy. Or sometimes, an ELL teacher can use Podcasts to help students acquiring the English language here themselves speak or listen to a more fluent speaker. I did agree with how Hew discussed the barrier of students running into technical difficulties using Podcasting technology. As an adult, I too, had some trouble using the program. However, I know that if I practiced more that I would get better and better with it. Although the article did talk about how listening can aid in comprehension, I know that I am a visual and audio learner and would need both. Thankfully, now that I know that you can do both, I would love to try it out in my own class. I think that this would come in handy as an intervention tool. If students were still confused, I could play a Podcast for them. It would be like their own one-on-one teacher.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Technology Integration Lesson

Technology-Integration Lesson The subject that I would be interested in doing for my technology-integration lesson is reading over the topic of sequence. My current position is as a 3rd grade teacher so that would be the grade level I would do. Plus, this is a concept that we did cover and I see now all that could have been done with this topic by incorporating technology. The learning goals that I currently have in mind are: Students will be able to identify signal/transition words that are associated with story sequence. Students will sequentially order a story based on pictures by using the clues. Students will create a story timeline in which they put a story with pictures and words in order. Students will justify why a story is put in a particular order. Students will become familiar with Power Point design and common tools associated with it’s use. The technology that I am interested in using is: Internet access-to allow for the various websites that will be used Online videos-to present BrainPop Jr as an engagement Interactive White Board-to present interactive mini lessons on sequencing using the flip charts to have students come put stories in order. I-Pod touch-to post google docs on class Edmodo (all of my students have an Edmodo account and they really like this) for tests, surveys, etc Power point-to create story timeline for final class product One of the ideas that I have is to have a Power Point presentation that has a story where the pictures are all out of order. This will be a class template. I will have different stories of various complexities for differentiated instruction. Approaching students will have a 4 picture story, students at grade level will have a 5-6 picture story, and the above grade level students will have a 8-10 picture story. Before the actual lesson, teacher will be using Power Point to model how presentations are created and common creation tools for the program. Teacher will model a couple of stories that have already been read in class. Using what has been taught in the days prior, students will reorganize the pictures. They will then add text to the pictures and will be required to use signal/transition words in their product. Students will organize the story by plot. Their presentation should include exposition, rising action, falling action and solution. They will also have to have a rationale at the end of the presentation explaining why they organized the pictures in that way. I really have never taught sequence this way, but it allows me to incorporate technology and more higher order thinking for my students. Student learning will be assessed by their final Power Point document. Each student will present their presentation to the class and also be able to defend their rationale for the story sequence. They will also have various quizzes and discussions that I will post online to their Edmodo accounts that will be created through GoogleDocs.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ideas for technology integration

My plans for technology-integration lesson will be for the grade level I teach which is 3rd grade. The subject area that I am aiming for is reading since I am currently in charge of my grade levels reading lesson plans. Also, at our campus we implement Reader’s Workshop, which means that our reading block is for an hour and about 45 minutes. We start the reading block with a 15-minute mini-lesson that is over the concept for the week. Then there is a 20-minute independent center. Following the center, the children break up into their workshop groups that change from day-to-day.
One of the first ways I would like to incorporate technology is by having a pre assessment with a Google docs quiz on what they already know on the subject. This will allow me to see what they understand and their misconceptions over the subject. I can use the spreadsheet to help me differentiate the lessons a bit. Plus, I like that this will allow me to see exactly where I need to start the lesson.
In order to engage the learners, I would like to incorporate some kind of web video to introduce the overall concept. One of the websites that I have found very useful is Brainpop Jr. This contains cartoon videos over a majority of the subjects. Plus, it contains vocabulary; online quizzes, games, and even lesson plan activities.
Once the students have been introduced to the concept, I would then like for them to create a blog. On this blog I would like them to answer the following questions:
1. What do you think you know about the subject already?
2. What kind of activities would you like to do?
3. What areas are you still confused with?
4. What would you like to learn more about with the concept?
The reason I would like to have blogs before any activity is because I want the students to feel that their opinions and thoughts are valued in our class. It will help them with ownership of the entire lesson.
Along the way, I would also include online games. One of my personal favorites is the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire template. I like that I can assess what students know and can see where they need more help. Plus, it breaks away from the paper and pencil routine.
As for their workshop time I would find online games that the students could use during their computer station. Then I would create a Google Docs form for them to use during their Book Talk period with questions like: What was your groups favorite part and why? Was there any part of the story that you would change and way? This could all be done with our school IPod cart. For our guided reading portion, I would find an Ebook that we could read and use the Neu Annotate program on our IPods to answer questions, highlight, etc
I would also like to create a class website to include the blogs we have used and to post the students work on an online portfolio. I would upload videos of the students playing games and the lessons from throughout the week. I’d also like to create Podcasts of the students explaining what we had been doing for the entire week.


Wow after the TPACK video and readings, I feel completely lost. Feel like my teaching is that of the Stone Age. I still feel that I am relatively young as was introduced to technology while in high school, but nowhere near to the advancement of today’s youth. Even when I attended UTEP the best technological tool we had at the time was a Smart Board. So in all honesty, I know I need to improve on the four technological aspects of TPACK: technology knowledge (TK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK).
Of course my biggest weakness comes with technology knowledge. Half the time, I feel that I am barely learning or becoming acquainted with one type of technology and then BOOM another one comes in. I can’t seem to stay afloat with the vast amounts of advances with technology. I feel that teachers never have enough training on this and we lose out on all the technology out there. However, I am lucky enough to have a really great CT, who knows his stuff, who is having after-school trainings on different tools.
Next, is my weakness in technological content knowledge. Since I lack in technology knowledge, I am unaware of all that can be done content wise with it. I’m so used to doing a paper and pencil activity that I don’t realize all the software programs that allow students to do work on hand-held devices, computer, or interactive whiteboards. I grew up in an educational field where technology didn’t play as big of part of education as it does now. So, I teach the way I was taught or comfortable with. I am instantly amazed with seeing how Book Talk can be done using an Android Tablet without a student having to pick up a pencil.
Since I have no clue what technological tools to use, I am also weak with technological pedagogical knowledge. I have no clue what tools would be better or more appropriate for certain subjects, concepts, or projects. There are so many tools out there related to technology that can be integrated everyday and I am barely being introduced to them myself.
Which all lead to my biggest weakness which is technological pedagogical content knowledge. It’s pretty clear that since I’m weak in the areas mentioned above that I for sure weak at the one that encompasses all three. This knowledge involves a more in-depth understanding of all of them combined. It goes beyond each one.
I am not giving up which is why I am willing to learn all I can. I am attending the TNT conference this year, taking this course as an elective and attending any technology training offered. I am hoping to become more technological savvy and TPACK proficient each and every year.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Using wikis in the class-week 5

I was beyond amazed with all that can be done with Wikis after checking several educational wiki sites.  The ones that I looked at were created by second grade teachers and were very inspiring to someone, like myself, who wouldn’t know what to do with a class wiki.  I could now see how creating a class wiki could do wonders for the students and parents and especially teachers. 
I would like to include hyperlinks of my students work samples.  I think that students would love the idea that they can click on their name and see all their hard work pop up on the internet.  I think it would help them with work ownership and make them strive to do better with each project.  Creating student portfolio links would be one of my first tasks.  When I saw this on the wikis, I felt proud of each of those students and the teachers as well.  What a great way to show progress and growth for each student.  This would be a very beneficial educational tool because you can show students what they have learned and accomplished throughout the year.  Plus, their next year’s teacher would be able to click and view where the students are. 
            Another aspect I would introduce in my own wiki is uploading class videos.  This would be a great reflection tool for any teacher.  You would know how the lesson went and what you can do to make it better.  You can basically critique yourself.  Also, parents, community members, and other teachers could see what your class is learning.  These videos could also serve as reviews for your students. Let’s just say that your class is having a big unit test and you don’t have long to review.  All you have to do is play past videos to touch back on key concepts. 
            I was really inspired to create a class wiki.  I know it will take some time and lots of learning but seeing the benefits is priceless.  The end product is worth it. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Using Blogs in the Class

After learning more about blogging in class, I now feel so comfortable introducing it to my students.  I’ve been talking with my CT at the school and he is so excited that I want to be a risk-taker and give it a go.  I am currently the 3rd grade GT teacher this year and we do not have a GT pullout program so I was thinking to try it out with this small group first.   One of the things I would like to do is have this group create an educational blog of the various activities they will be doing over the year.  I would have them learn a new aspect of blogging each month such as posting a blog, adding videos, recording videos, etc.   They would be totally in charge of their blog, including design and everything.   I would also, post a problem-based learning blog and have them post on the overall experience.  For example, I would ask them to figure out our school’s demographics and see how their educational journey took place through the blogs.  If I didn’t have an activity then I would post brainteaser type posts or just reflection blogs.   If this whole experience works out then I would try with my whole class.  I’m not 100% comfortable with technology yet so I would have to do baby steps with it. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Brain Overload-week 2

Okay so after a very exhausting training over our district's new curriculum, I took a quick break to go visit my daughter and then headed straight to class.  I honestly thought my brain was fried, but nope had to regroup and learn more about Blogger and Goggle Reader.  At first, I was like "No way!  I'm too tired."  Yet, as we continued, I started to realize how this was helping.  Last week with our work I was very frustrated having to log on to Blackboard and copy and paste everything. Each day I was having to log on, just to find that there wasn't anything new posted. With work and a daughter, I don't have all the time in the world to constantly log on.  All I was thinking was "Geez, there has to be an easier way."  And... there was!  So, yes, I'm happy my brain woke up.  I learned how to subscribe to all the members of our class blogs and to find ways to organize them by weeks.  This can come in handy since our CT wants some of us to start pilot blogging sessions with our kids. I have to admit that I did come in with a negative attitude, but once I saw the benefit and how much time it would save me, I began to want to learn more.  So now, I can  comment on our class blogs and still have time to spend with my baby! 

test link, video

Here is UTEP's link. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Web 2.0

First and foremost a Web 2.0 class has to have the most current technology.  I’ve seen some classrooms that have computers that are more than 20 years old and are not up to speed with the current demands that new technology requires.  In addition, it has to have readily available all the other tools that go with it.  For example, if you want students to upload their own videos then flip cameras or recorders should be accessible.  If the child is working on SKYPE then there should be a Webcam or a built in one.  There should also be a class set or at least half a class set of computers within the class.  We should see more and more computers occupying space than textbooks. Yet, the most crucial thing about a Web 2.0 class is that the facilitator of the class should know how to use and ACTUALLY use it.  I can think of millions of times I walk by classes and see IPods in carts collecting dust.  In-services should start being geared towards technology and how to implement it in the classroom.  But the most important thing about a Web 2.0 is that students and teachers alike are utilizing it on a regular basis.  It’s about students really experiencing the technology and collaborating with one another to see the benefits of these tools.  Teachers would have to go from monthly technology use to daily technology use.

This leads me to my next set of ideas dealing with a creating a technology-rich constructivist classroom.  I have already mentioned certain requirements that must be present, which are having current technology, the accessibility to the technology, and teacher and student participation with the technology.  Creating a technology-rich classroom would require the teacher to learn and understand the various uses of technology other than for creating word documents.  Basically, it’s a class in which teachers and students learn together and embrace the ever-evolving influence of technology. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st day of class

Hope everyone had a great first day or to those that have already been teaching hope you didn't have a "Case of the Mondays."  (Office Space)  Today's first day went so fast for me and of course there are a billion things I wish I would have done differently.