Sunday, September 4, 2011

Using Blogs in the Class

After learning more about blogging in class, I now feel so comfortable introducing it to my students.  I’ve been talking with my CT at the school and he is so excited that I want to be a risk-taker and give it a go.  I am currently the 3rd grade GT teacher this year and we do not have a GT pullout program so I was thinking to try it out with this small group first.   One of the things I would like to do is have this group create an educational blog of the various activities they will be doing over the year.  I would have them learn a new aspect of blogging each month such as posting a blog, adding videos, recording videos, etc.   They would be totally in charge of their blog, including design and everything.   I would also, post a problem-based learning blog and have them post on the overall experience.  For example, I would ask them to figure out our school’s demographics and see how their educational journey took place through the blogs.  If I didn’t have an activity then I would post brainteaser type posts or just reflection blogs.   If this whole experience works out then I would try with my whole class.  I’m not 100% comfortable with technology yet so I would have to do baby steps with it. 


  1. You have to start somewhere with technology and why not start now? You will see you children pick it pretty fast and become more engaged. Just make sure that you don't make it boring. Keep blogging so that your children look forward to checking blogs and they find new and interesting things.

  2. Brilliant! I love the idea you have of involving this with this special population of students because as you said there is very little time to dedicate to them, this will reach them and allow their creativity to flourish. I admire that you are collaborating with your colleagues "CT" to make this happen, I trust your students will love it!

  3. Brilliant! I love the idea you have of involving this with this special population of students because as you said there is very little time to dedicate to them, this will reach them and allow their creativity to flourish. I admire that you are collaborating with your colleagues "CT" to make this happen, I trust your students will love it!

  4. I think that it is wonderful that you are staring them on blogging at the 3rd grade. That way, by the time they reach me in high school, they will be so weel versed in blogging, it will be easy to implement blogs and other similar/ future interactive technology into the classroom.

  5. I think it is a great idea that you will make your students responsible for the blog and that you will be teaching them how to add different elements of blogging as you go.

  6. Great idea. I think third grade is the perfect time to introduce blogging to students. My son is in third and I know if he was blogging at school he would love it. Your third graders I'm sure will pick it up quick and they will love it. Great idea!

  7. You may not yet be 100% comfortable with new technology but the important thing is that you are willing to stick with it and implement it into your classrooms. You will see that you will be at ease with the new innovations sooner than you think. Great idea about have your students start and maintain a blog on their own. The GT students will surely pick up the concepts quickly and will then be able to help other students who are having difficulties. In doing so, you would have built a learning community where students not only learn from you but from one another.

  8. I think it is a great idea. In my daughter's YISD GT class, there are more laptops per child than in the regular classrooms. With more access, teachers should give more opportunities to use technology to enhance the GT curriculum. Students are proud of their work and blogs give them a greater opportunity to share.
