Saturday, September 17, 2011

Using wikis in the class-week 5

I was beyond amazed with all that can be done with Wikis after checking several educational wiki sites.  The ones that I looked at were created by second grade teachers and were very inspiring to someone, like myself, who wouldn’t know what to do with a class wiki.  I could now see how creating a class wiki could do wonders for the students and parents and especially teachers. 
I would like to include hyperlinks of my students work samples.  I think that students would love the idea that they can click on their name and see all their hard work pop up on the internet.  I think it would help them with work ownership and make them strive to do better with each project.  Creating student portfolio links would be one of my first tasks.  When I saw this on the wikis, I felt proud of each of those students and the teachers as well.  What a great way to show progress and growth for each student.  This would be a very beneficial educational tool because you can show students what they have learned and accomplished throughout the year.  Plus, their next year’s teacher would be able to click and view where the students are. 
            Another aspect I would introduce in my own wiki is uploading class videos.  This would be a great reflection tool for any teacher.  You would know how the lesson went and what you can do to make it better.  You can basically critique yourself.  Also, parents, community members, and other teachers could see what your class is learning.  These videos could also serve as reviews for your students. Let’s just say that your class is having a big unit test and you don’t have long to review.  All you have to do is play past videos to touch back on key concepts. 
            I was really inspired to create a class wiki.  I know it will take some time and lots of learning but seeing the benefits is priceless.  The end product is worth it. 


  1. I like the class videos on the wiki. If a student doesn't understand what was taught in class or doesn't understand the assignment, perhaps the video will help. Wikis would help the classroom become one unit and I think that's what I like about it.

  2. I can see your concern on introducing any type of technology based project in any classroom because of the obstacles were are facing. The KEY to this must be addressed with atmosphere we have in class. If we teach with fear and hesitance our students will pick up on that. mistakes will be made but the corrections we make as a class will benefit everyone. (teachable moments)

  3. Having students display their work on the internet is a great ideas. this make the student feel important.

  4. I think it would take me a little more than two years of teaching experience to feel comfortable about others seeing what goes on in my classroom. There are many good criticisms from certain teachers but not from all.
