Monday, August 29, 2011

Brain Overload-week 2

Okay so after a very exhausting training over our district's new curriculum, I took a quick break to go visit my daughter and then headed straight to class.  I honestly thought my brain was fried, but nope had to regroup and learn more about Blogger and Goggle Reader.  At first, I was like "No way!  I'm too tired."  Yet, as we continued, I started to realize how this was helping.  Last week with our work I was very frustrated having to log on to Blackboard and copy and paste everything. Each day I was having to log on, just to find that there wasn't anything new posted. With work and a daughter, I don't have all the time in the world to constantly log on.  All I was thinking was "Geez, there has to be an easier way."  And... there was!  So, yes, I'm happy my brain woke up.  I learned how to subscribe to all the members of our class blogs and to find ways to organize them by weeks.  This can come in handy since our CT wants some of us to start pilot blogging sessions with our kids. I have to admit that I did come in with a negative attitude, but once I saw the benefit and how much time it would save me, I began to want to learn more.  So now, I can  comment on our class blogs and still have time to spend with my baby! 


  1. I coudln't agree more about the copying and pasting, but there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The subscribing has made it a whole lot easier to see who has recently posted, instead of trying to cut and paste websites to find out who did. Although the task was tedious, this weeks' blogging sure was fun. Thanks!

  2. I'm with you, having freedom to organize and find time with your family is critical. Lost my Dad this year and I miss him terribly. He won't be here when I graduate in December, so I'm making the most of my time with my Mom. I'm so glad that this type of thing is available and is such a great means of using productivity tools. I always come away feeling a bit smarter!

  3. I was a little intimidated and discouraged at the beginning but I am slowly becoming more confident with the technology. The more I explore or play with Blogger and Google Reader, or should I say get lost haha, the more I become comfortable. I had previously convinced myself, due to being intimidated, that I would not be able to learn new technology and therefore had shut myself off to new possibilities and innovative tools. I am now more confident, after a few days of class, that I can use and apply what I have learned in my classroom.

  4. I know, days are sooooo long! But all sacrifice comes with a reward. I also agree with this week's reward of not having to log into blackboard any more. Now I'm just wondering how I'm going to get my eyes used to so much time spend in front of a computer. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one feeling like my brain is overloading! It just seems like so much, but I know we are going to get the hang of this!
