Sunday, October 2, 2011


Wow after the TPACK video and readings, I feel completely lost. Feel like my teaching is that of the Stone Age. I still feel that I am relatively young as was introduced to technology while in high school, but nowhere near to the advancement of today’s youth. Even when I attended UTEP the best technological tool we had at the time was a Smart Board. So in all honesty, I know I need to improve on the four technological aspects of TPACK: technology knowledge (TK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK).
Of course my biggest weakness comes with technology knowledge. Half the time, I feel that I am barely learning or becoming acquainted with one type of technology and then BOOM another one comes in. I can’t seem to stay afloat with the vast amounts of advances with technology. I feel that teachers never have enough training on this and we lose out on all the technology out there. However, I am lucky enough to have a really great CT, who knows his stuff, who is having after-school trainings on different tools.
Next, is my weakness in technological content knowledge. Since I lack in technology knowledge, I am unaware of all that can be done content wise with it. I’m so used to doing a paper and pencil activity that I don’t realize all the software programs that allow students to do work on hand-held devices, computer, or interactive whiteboards. I grew up in an educational field where technology didn’t play as big of part of education as it does now. So, I teach the way I was taught or comfortable with. I am instantly amazed with seeing how Book Talk can be done using an Android Tablet without a student having to pick up a pencil.
Since I have no clue what technological tools to use, I am also weak with technological pedagogical knowledge. I have no clue what tools would be better or more appropriate for certain subjects, concepts, or projects. There are so many tools out there related to technology that can be integrated everyday and I am barely being introduced to them myself.
Which all lead to my biggest weakness which is technological pedagogical content knowledge. It’s pretty clear that since I’m weak in the areas mentioned above that I for sure weak at the one that encompasses all three. This knowledge involves a more in-depth understanding of all of them combined. It goes beyond each one.
I am not giving up which is why I am willing to learn all I can. I am attending the TNT conference this year, taking this course as an elective and attending any technology training offered. I am hoping to become more technological savvy and TPACK proficient each and every year.


  1. I feel your pain Erika, it is pretty alarming to be awakened to the awe inspiring power of technology in the classroom compared to what I currently know. However, all great journeys begin with the first step and we are well on our way...

  2. I like how you don't just dismiss the idea of using technology in the classroom, you rather accept that you can learn how to use it. There is so many teachers that just don't like the idea of using technology because that's not the way it was done in the past. You will get use to it and there are so many learning tools out there. Online, face to face and now a lot of how to videos instead of manuals. Have fun with it!!

  3. I agree, technology is evolving at such an alarming rate that technology we plan to use may be obsolete before we have a chance to master it.
