Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hew's article on Podcasts

After reading Hew’s article on the Use of Audio Podcast in K-12 and Higher Education, I learned so much more about Podcasts. To be honest, the only thing that I knew about Podcast was that it was an audio track. However, know I know that it can include video, pictures, etc. and that there are many benefits to them. One of the main benefits that Hew discusses in his article is how listening can actually improve understanding. I learned that students can learn quite a bit just by listening. Plus, the child or student is able to listen to the Podcast at their own pace. Podcasts allows students to stop and replay something that they have missed. Another aspect that I found interesting was that the use of Podcasts in ELL classrooms was not used often. This was surprising because I think that there are so many Podcasts that teach English that can come in handy. Or sometimes, an ELL teacher can use Podcasts to help students acquiring the English language here themselves speak or listen to a more fluent speaker. I did agree with how Hew discussed the barrier of students running into technical difficulties using Podcasting technology. As an adult, I too, had some trouble using the program. However, I know that if I practiced more that I would get better and better with it. Although the article did talk about how listening can aid in comprehension, I know that I am a visual and audio learner and would need both. Thankfully, now that I know that you can do both, I would love to try it out in my own class. I think that this would come in handy as an intervention tool. If students were still confused, I could play a Podcast for them. It would be like their own one-on-one teacher.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Technology Integration Lesson

Technology-Integration Lesson The subject that I would be interested in doing for my technology-integration lesson is reading over the topic of sequence. My current position is as a 3rd grade teacher so that would be the grade level I would do. Plus, this is a concept that we did cover and I see now all that could have been done with this topic by incorporating technology. The learning goals that I currently have in mind are: Students will be able to identify signal/transition words that are associated with story sequence. Students will sequentially order a story based on pictures by using the clues. Students will create a story timeline in which they put a story with pictures and words in order. Students will justify why a story is put in a particular order. Students will become familiar with Power Point design and common tools associated with it’s use. The technology that I am interested in using is: Internet access-to allow for the various websites that will be used Online videos-to present BrainPop Jr as an engagement Interactive White Board-to present interactive mini lessons on sequencing using the flip charts to have students come put stories in order. I-Pod touch-to post google docs on class Edmodo (all of my students have an Edmodo account and they really like this) for tests, surveys, etc Power point-to create story timeline for final class product One of the ideas that I have is to have a Power Point presentation that has a story where the pictures are all out of order. This will be a class template. I will have different stories of various complexities for differentiated instruction. Approaching students will have a 4 picture story, students at grade level will have a 5-6 picture story, and the above grade level students will have a 8-10 picture story. Before the actual lesson, teacher will be using Power Point to model how presentations are created and common creation tools for the program. Teacher will model a couple of stories that have already been read in class. Using what has been taught in the days prior, students will reorganize the pictures. They will then add text to the pictures and will be required to use signal/transition words in their product. Students will organize the story by plot. Their presentation should include exposition, rising action, falling action and solution. They will also have to have a rationale at the end of the presentation explaining why they organized the pictures in that way. I really have never taught sequence this way, but it allows me to incorporate technology and more higher order thinking for my students. Student learning will be assessed by their final Power Point document. Each student will present their presentation to the class and also be able to defend their rationale for the story sequence. They will also have various quizzes and discussions that I will post online to their Edmodo accounts that will be created through GoogleDocs.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ideas for technology integration

My plans for technology-integration lesson will be for the grade level I teach which is 3rd grade. The subject area that I am aiming for is reading since I am currently in charge of my grade levels reading lesson plans. Also, at our campus we implement Reader’s Workshop, which means that our reading block is for an hour and about 45 minutes. We start the reading block with a 15-minute mini-lesson that is over the concept for the week. Then there is a 20-minute independent center. Following the center, the children break up into their workshop groups that change from day-to-day.
One of the first ways I would like to incorporate technology is by having a pre assessment with a Google docs quiz on what they already know on the subject. This will allow me to see what they understand and their misconceptions over the subject. I can use the spreadsheet to help me differentiate the lessons a bit. Plus, I like that this will allow me to see exactly where I need to start the lesson.
In order to engage the learners, I would like to incorporate some kind of web video to introduce the overall concept. One of the websites that I have found very useful is Brainpop Jr. This contains cartoon videos over a majority of the subjects. Plus, it contains vocabulary; online quizzes, games, and even lesson plan activities.
Once the students have been introduced to the concept, I would then like for them to create a blog. On this blog I would like them to answer the following questions:
1. What do you think you know about the subject already?
2. What kind of activities would you like to do?
3. What areas are you still confused with?
4. What would you like to learn more about with the concept?
The reason I would like to have blogs before any activity is because I want the students to feel that their opinions and thoughts are valued in our class. It will help them with ownership of the entire lesson.
Along the way, I would also include online games. One of my personal favorites is the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire template. I like that I can assess what students know and can see where they need more help. Plus, it breaks away from the paper and pencil routine.
As for their workshop time I would find online games that the students could use during their computer station. Then I would create a Google Docs form for them to use during their Book Talk period with questions like: What was your groups favorite part and why? Was there any part of the story that you would change and way? This could all be done with our school IPod cart. For our guided reading portion, I would find an Ebook that we could read and use the Neu Annotate program on our IPods to answer questions, highlight, etc
I would also like to create a class website to include the blogs we have used and to post the students work on an online portfolio. I would upload videos of the students playing games and the lessons from throughout the week. I’d also like to create Podcasts of the students explaining what we had been doing for the entire week.


Wow after the TPACK video and readings, I feel completely lost. Feel like my teaching is that of the Stone Age. I still feel that I am relatively young as was introduced to technology while in high school, but nowhere near to the advancement of today’s youth. Even when I attended UTEP the best technological tool we had at the time was a Smart Board. So in all honesty, I know I need to improve on the four technological aspects of TPACK: technology knowledge (TK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK).
Of course my biggest weakness comes with technology knowledge. Half the time, I feel that I am barely learning or becoming acquainted with one type of technology and then BOOM another one comes in. I can’t seem to stay afloat with the vast amounts of advances with technology. I feel that teachers never have enough training on this and we lose out on all the technology out there. However, I am lucky enough to have a really great CT, who knows his stuff, who is having after-school trainings on different tools.
Next, is my weakness in technological content knowledge. Since I lack in technology knowledge, I am unaware of all that can be done content wise with it. I’m so used to doing a paper and pencil activity that I don’t realize all the software programs that allow students to do work on hand-held devices, computer, or interactive whiteboards. I grew up in an educational field where technology didn’t play as big of part of education as it does now. So, I teach the way I was taught or comfortable with. I am instantly amazed with seeing how Book Talk can be done using an Android Tablet without a student having to pick up a pencil.
Since I have no clue what technological tools to use, I am also weak with technological pedagogical knowledge. I have no clue what tools would be better or more appropriate for certain subjects, concepts, or projects. There are so many tools out there related to technology that can be integrated everyday and I am barely being introduced to them myself.
Which all lead to my biggest weakness which is technological pedagogical content knowledge. It’s pretty clear that since I’m weak in the areas mentioned above that I for sure weak at the one that encompasses all three. This knowledge involves a more in-depth understanding of all of them combined. It goes beyond each one.
I am not giving up which is why I am willing to learn all I can. I am attending the TNT conference this year, taking this course as an elective and attending any technology training offered. I am hoping to become more technological savvy and TPACK proficient each and every year.